Hey there! Welcome to the client access page. To find your photos, simply look for your last name, click the button, and enter your password to view your photos.
Have questions? Checked the Frequently Asked Questions section on the right-hand side of this page.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why can’t I see my photos when I click on my tab?
To protect client confidentiality, all your finished photos from your session will appear in your tab, which is password-protected. Please check your email that tells you what your password is. If you can’t find that email, please contact me.
Help! I forgot my password!
No worries-simply email/call/or text me and let me know, and I can reset your password.
Why doesn’t my album have a specific photo in there?
Great question! Due to current bandwidth, the best of the best photos are in your album. However, after your photos were done, you were sent a complete .zip file with all your finished photos-so if there’s one you’d like to see in your album to share with friends and family, please let me know, and I’m happy to add it.
Can I buy prints from you of my favorite photos?
For the time being, I am currently not offering the option of buying prints of your favorites, but get in touch with me and I’ll be more than happy to direct to you a few of my favorite sites to order prints from.
How long are my photos going to be live in their album?
From the sending of the .zip file with all your finished photos, you will have a week to download that specific .zip file. At the moment, there is no timeline on when albums are taken down, but this is subject to change. Please note, you will be notified if that change occurs.